Can I eat chocolate?

Of course, chocolate is allowed or you could completely live without it for the next few weeks or months?

Chocolate is one of the well known producers of happiness and helps us to smooth our nerves. Also the cocoa in the chocolate contains phytochemicals that may help as antioxidants (the body's own health police) to protect our body cells. Researchers even believe that antioxidants protect us against cardiovascular disease and may help prevent cancer. Obviously, chocolate is not one of the main sources of these ingredients, but it's good to know that there is a little bit of good inside it.

It is always important to pay attention to the cocoa content - the higher the percentage the more phytochemicals it has.

In addition to the healthy and positive aspects of the chocolate, however, there is a downside: Chocolate has many calories (average 540 kcal/100g) and a high fat content (about 30g/100g). Therefore, it is even more important to pay attention to the amount of your treat and to choose small portions. Since chocolate is available in many different serving sizes make sure to pick something in small sizes like small bars.

Chocolate in moderate amounts is perfectly fine. Just watch for the correct type (e.g dark) and the right size.

Enjoy your treats!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post there. In my views All healthy non diabetic persons could eat it .
