Jogging for beginners

Jogging is an easy and effective way to burn calories.

But even for this activity the right preparation and technique are everything. Therefore, you should first get checked up by your doctor and get the right footwear for optimal cushioning.

It is also very important to warm up and to cool down. For example you could start with walking 5 minutes and then slowly start running until you reach your comfortable speed. After the training you should cool down for about 5 minutes to bring down your pulse back to normal.

For beginners it might be a good alternative to alternate between walking and running like 3 minutes walking and 2 minutes running. While improving your condition you could slowly increase the intervall from workout to workout. Always make sure, though, that every movement is comfortable. You don't do yourself any favor with a burnout, but it will just result in excessive muscle soreness that might interfere with your next training session.

In addition, you should always keep an eye on your pulse and keep it around 65% of your maximum heart rate.

For a joint-gentle training you should run on a soft surface (preferrable unpaved) and use the right technique. You should keep and eye on your feet to make sure the whole foot is actively rolled, the body is held upright and the arms move in motion. Additionally, you could move/shake your hands from time to time, to check the relaxation of your arms and shoulders.

Let's go and have fun!

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